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Introduction to Flex
-       Understanding rich Internet applications
-       Introducing the Adobe Flex product line
-       The foundation of the RIA: Flash Player/Flash Virtual Machine
-       Understanding the Flex application process flow

Understanding Flash BUilder
-       Understanding the relationship between Eclipse and Flash Builder
-       Exploring the Flash Builder interface
-       Creating a project and your first application
-       Creating a main application page and running it
-       Using debugging

Flex Fundamentals
-       Creating a simple Flex application
-       Laying out a Flex application with containers
-       Adding user interface controls
-       Creating bindings between components
-       Architecting an application with MXML components
-       Creating properties and methods of MXML components
-       Handling Events in Flex
-       Understanding events
-       Demonstration: Viewing system and user events
-       Creating event handlers using inline ActionScript
-       Using in-line ActionScript
-       Placing ActionScript functions in external files
-       Understanding the event object
-       Implementing the addEventListener() method

Flex Controls
-       Getting familiar with Flex controls
-       Using the Button control
-       Using a CheckBox Control
-       Using NumericStepper controls
-       Using Text Controls
-       Displaying images

  • Managing your Application's Layout using Containers
    -       Understanding Containers
    -       Using the Application container
    -       Setting an application's layout
    -       Using the Panel container
    -       Using the Form container
    -       Using the Grid container
    -       Using Box Containers
  • Using Group Container
  • Using DataGroup Container    
  • Using the DividedBox container
  • -       Using the Tile container
    -       Using the ControlBar container
    -       Component layout and sizing rules
    -       Constraint-Based Application Layout
    -       Understanding absolute positioning
    -       Positioning components within the Canvas container
    -       Positioning components inside a Canvas
    -       Using constraint-based layouts with nested components

Data Sets
Using the DataGrid control
-       Displaying Simple XML Data in a DataGrid
-       Specifying DataGrid columns
-       Specifying DataGrid columns
-       Formatting DataGrid columns
-       Using item renderers and item editors
-       Using the TileList and HorizontalList
-       Using events and selected items with list-based components
Validating and Formatting

  • Validating Numeric Input
  • Validating with a Model
  • Triggering validation with ActionScript
  • Using regular expressions
  • Formatting Data
  • Formatting data in a list based control
  • Application Design using View States
    -       Understanding view states
    -       Creating two states for the Contact page
    -       Controlling view states
    -       Creating view states that include custom components states

Application Navigation

-       Understanding navigator containers
-       Using the LinkBar container
-       Using the TabBar container
-       Using the ViewStack container
-       Using the TabNavigator container
-       Using the Accordion container
-       Using ButtonBar & ToggleButtonBar
-       Using the ApplicationControlBar container

Customizing the Application
-       Customizing Flex application look and feel
-       Using the Styles API to change look-and-feel
-       Using theme styles
-       Applying behaviors to components
-       Applying transitions to view states

  • Life Cycle of  component
  • Browser Communicationred
  • Shared Object
  • Drag and Drop
  • Runtime Shared Libraries
  • Flex modules
  • Internationalization


  • BlazeDS overview
  • BlazeDS features
  • BlazeDS client architecture
  •  BlazeDS server architecture
  • Configuration files
  • Channels and End Points
  • Configuring channels with servlet-based endpoints


Managing session data

        FlexClient, MessageClient, and FlexSession objects
Using the FlexContext class with FlexSession and FlexClient attributes
Session life cycle

 Using HTTP and web services

        RPC components
RPC components versus other technologies
Using destinations
Defining and invoking a service component
Handling service events
Passing parameters to a service
Handling service results

 Using the Remoting Service
RemoteObject component
Configuring a destination
Calling a service
Handling events
Passing parameters
Handling results
Accessing EJBs and other objects in JNDI
Messaging Service
Using the Messaging Service
Working with Producer components
Working with Consumer components
Using a pair of Producer and Consumer components in an application
Message filtering
Configuring the Messaging Service
Connecting to the Java Message Service (JMS)
Configuring the Messaging Service to connect to a JMSAdapter


        Securing BlazeDS
Configuring security
Basic authentication
Custom authentication
Passing credentials to a proxy service

Spring Integration with flex
Configuring the Spring DispatcherServlet
Configuring the MessageBroker in Spring
Mapping Requests to the MessageBroker       
Using Flex clients alongside Spring MVC Controllers
Using Spring-managed Destinations from the Flex Client
Using Custom Exception Translators
Exporting Spring Beans for Flex Remoting
Configuring the Remoting Service
Using the remoting-destination Tag
Exporting Beans for Remoting with @RemotingDestination
Securing BlazeDS Destinations with Spring Security

Cairngorm Framework
 Introducing Adobe Cairngorm
Using Cairngorm in Flex RIAs
Implementing the ModelLocator
Implementing the Service locator
Implementing Cairngorm events
Implementing Commands
Implementing the FrontController
Using the Cairngorm components

Note: Duration  of the course  is 30 session  of one hour each.