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• Importance of Automation Testing
• Importance of Selenium over other Automation tools

1. What is Selenium IDE?
2. Its use
3. Difference between IDE RC and WebDriver
4. Installing and configuring IDE
5. Creating a small test through IDE
6. Debugging using Selenium IDE
7. Use of Toggle break point
8. Other IDE features
9. Exporting the test and running in Selenium RC
10. Xpath Elements in IDE and Firepath
11. Partial & Full Xpaths
12. Handling HTML Elements such as: Text box, Hyperlinks, Submit buttons, Radio buttons, Check boxes, Dropdown etc
13. Handling Java script messages
14. Finding Elements & text on a Webpage
15. Printing all links and other values from a webpage and HTML Elements
16. Setting execution speed of Selenium RC
17. How to capture a screenshot
18. Capturing screenshots in case of an error
19. Emailing test results
20. Concept of window names
21. How to handle pop up windows
22. How to click on elements in new tab
23. Web tables
24. Dynamic webtables
25. Finding row and columns count
26. Extracting dynamic data from rows and columns
27. Working with online captchas